So I've been a sometimes happy (and moretimes unhappy) Sprint customer for almost 2 years.? With all of the plans, phones, added options & at least 1 insurance claim that cost me $100 to asurion (after having paid $287+ in insurance fees), my janky old Samsung Galaxy I finally broke down today while attemping to update itself.? I know, I know, my old-school Galaxy S1 should've been upgraded earlier, but it's worked decently until today and the law firm I work for gives me a blackberry (at least until they're out of business).? I took my busted phone to my local Sprint Store today in Westwood and they were pathetically useless and not at all interested in helping me fix my phone just trying to sell me on some new ish.? And I'm not mad at that, I understand that they're in sales and that's there job.? But eitherway, I've paid just over $3400 to sprint in the past 3years and feel completely unsupported by their customer service / 4G service at both my work and my office / just want to hear what others might advise to someone in my shoes.
I'm paying almost $100/month for unlimited data / texts / email / ect, and I'm not sure what my best move is:
1) Pay $100 to asurion to get a new(ish) janky Samsung Galaxy S1
2) Hope Sprint recognizes my years of being a good customer & hooks up my 'free' upgrade 2 months early so I can either:
????????? a) get a Galaxy S2 for $99 - but be locked into Sprint for 2years @ $100/mo
????????? b) get a Galaxy S3 for $199 - but be locked into Sprint for 2 years @ $100/mo
3)? Just grow up & move on and away from Sprint by buying a new or used Android phone from Craigslist / Ebay and not force myself to be a sprint customer for the next 2 years
I'm pretty into technology & am eager to recommend any good deals to friends, family & coworkers but just thought I'd reach out and see what the vibe amongst everyone else is before making a decision.
I'm definitely not interested in an i-phone since I like Android & all my music / data / photos / everything else is already backed up either in microsoft or google, and just want / need a fresh new phone for personal & work email, music, web browsing, apps, camera, etc.
Any advice would be much appreciated - thank you!
kristin chenoweth Robert Blake BLK Water ESPYs daniel tosh Jason Kidd All Star Game 2012
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